Monday, March 12, 2007

Sicker and sicker

I seem to have succeeded into making my blog the place to go for sex with horses, or even sex with hourses, I'm just surprised at how many people are out there that are into that. That goes double for anything to do with Britney, by any spelling and anything shaved or bald.

There is one person in the world interested in Rick Astley.. looking for "rick astley sexual orientation". They're the only one.

Other than that...

mad cat lady
flickr huge cock
banging his secretary
the onion cat murder
conservapedia quotes
gay mutant
"women want" "huge cock"
madonna sex with horse
odd nipples
Might because I’m a grownup now,
britney twat
blogspot michelle
Prague smut
eat own cum freeze
penis "It's so big"
sexual metaphor fast as a horse
eroscillator review
milk free
Broken Backs
what are farrel cats
Sexual Pyramid
why are so many people fuck up are into bdsm
cheeses of the roman empire era
what's the history of cheese
cats, climbing walls
cock "so big" huge women penis size
how to get what you want from a narcissist
"prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed.."
watch people get eaten
cat with no hair
Encouraging wife to give blowjobs
cheese history
want girl's milk
Beating buttocks
how you know you need to get laid
horse facials
women no tits
joke food pyramid
as long as its pink
Women sex dog
"bent over the desk"

The usual...

1 comment:

Ronald said...

I've become so desensitised to search terms like ""women want" "huge cock" and "eat own cum freeze" that I begin to think "prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed.." is a little odd; very unusual; a tad pervy even. You know what I mean?

"cheeses of the roman empire era" has to be an excerpt from a Monthy Python Sketch.