The weirdos keep flocking! It never ceases to amaze me what people search for on the internet. Much of it sick, some of it just plain baffling. I'm still getting lots of searches for Britney, spelt correctly or uncorrectly, shaven or unshaven, knickerless or otherwise. Plenty of searches for mutants and mutated things, from boobs to family photos, anal, anal sex, horse sex and the favourite "elephants fucking" , plus cats in all predicaments. Some searches that stand out over the last week, either due to sickness, weirdness or references to my newest posts are:
why do people are sadistic?
sick frozen cum
How big was preflood man?
pig sex
obedient boy is wearing pink panties and nylons
what position do you put a pyramid on?
house metaphors
How you clean a cat funny story
proof homosexuality is wrong
gay watch
play fun came
conservapedia homosexuality
cat sitting on couch drinking beer from a bottle
Conservapedia is a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American.
sexual boy play himself ?
pictures of male cat penises\
joan the dear abby sexual threesome
husband who stays out all night
a cat drinking beer
gay boy frilly apron
you broke someone's house window say to sorry
cock "so big" huge women penis size
when hell michigan froze over
photo of peter cutting ear off
how to draw boobs
where can i find pictures of cats having sex
is it ok for husbands to ask wifes for blowjobs
what's good for my cock
Evil Cat being held by guy freaking out
big cat obsessed with small cat
cat ass whacking
i can't come
strong sex cz strong
how to cook sausages
sinners in hell (charles bridge
As usual plenty of misspellings and bad grammar. A new animal makes an appearance in "pig sex", not sure where that comes from. And a lot of stuff about cats.
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I notice the absence of Rick Astley. But is anyone surprised?
Me! I'm very disappointed. Does nobody care about Rick anymore?
As your site has the phenomenal ability to suck in almost every single person, no matter what their search phrase, I think it has becomethe absolute barometer of total failure for celebs. I envisage stars of yesteryear, and current b and c list celebs typing their names into Google desperately hoping to see 'Mutant Cat' appear in the results. They breathe a sigh of relief if it does. I bet poor old Rick Astley has committed suicide.
Woo hooo! At last I get an odd search phrase leading some sad fucker to my blog. How about... 'urinal dares'?
Woo hooo! At last I get an odd search phrase leading some sad fucker to my blog. How about... 'urinal dares'?
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